In today’s fast-paced world it may seem impossible to adopt a healthy lifestyle. Instead of making sudden dramatic changes, slowly implement these components for a sustained healthy lifestyle.
7 Ways to Stay Well This Summer
winter months coming to an end and warmer days slowing approaching it is time to start to think about how you will stay well this summer.
Do Diets Actually Work?
A thin body is prised while a larger body is shameful in today’s society. That is why dieting has become normalized. But, do diets actually work?
Exercise and Nutrition: Pre Workout, During, and Post Workout
What an athlete consumes pre workout, during, and post workout can make all the difference for their performance.
The 12-3-30 Workout and Its Benefits
Have you heard girls talking about the 12-3-30 workout lately?
14 Journal Prompts for Better Mental Health
Journaling is a way to take all the thoughts swirling around in your head and put them on paper, making for a clear headspace and better mental health.
Health and Wellness Challenge Month
Doing a monthly challenge is something exciting to work towards. Most are overwhelming but with these 28 simple health and wellness challenges you’ll end you month feeling better than ever!
Staying Active in the Winter Months
he winter chill sets in it seems almost impossible to stay active in the winter, especially when the sun begins to set at 6:30pm. It is recommended to have 150 minutes of moderately intense activity each week.
Online Workout Programs For Any Fitness Level
Now that we’ve spent so much time at home going in to a workout class may seem even more intimidating than it would have previously. Thankfully, there are TONS of online workout programs nowadays that don’t require you to leave your home… or to have any equipment!
All About Multivitamins
Multivitamins may sound like something just for kids, but are you sure you don’t need one too?