For some, a healthy sleep routine is their greatest accomplishment, but for other their sleep habits could use some improvements. Set yourself up with healthy sleep hygiene habits to have a good night of sleep.
Understand What Healthy Sleep Hygiene Habits Are
If you’ve never heard of the term ‘sleep hygiene’ is, it’s the habits you put in place that make for ideal sleep conditions.
Your sleep is just as vital to your health as physical activity and nutrition. And to make for a good sleep routine, you need healthy sleep hygiene habits.
How can you expect a good night of sleep without preparing for it with healthy sleep hygiene habits?

Why You Need Good Sleep
Ever feel the effects of a rough nights sleep the next day? They can be pretty miserable. Imagine how it’s affecting you in ways you can’t feel!
Sleep may seem less important but it is a part of the great triad of health: good sleep, healthy diet, and exercise.
Consistent sleep is needed for more than just energy to get through your day. While you’re asleep your muscles have time to repair from any breakdown, you brain can process your day and prepare you for any future encounters.
Even more, you need good sleep to live. After 48 hours without sleep you’re sure to start to feel a mental deprivation.
Scientific American reports that a 17-year old set the record for the longest time without sleep-11 days. Although, I don’t recommend going around trying to increase productivity by skipping sleep!

What It Means To Have A Good Night’s Rest
Having a ‘good night’s rest’ can be a bit indescribable. But, i’ll do my best.
Do you ever wake up without an alarm clock and feel ready to get up and take on your day? That’s an outcome of a good night’s rest.
It’s having energy throughout your day without relying on caffeine, and being in a good mood and able to think clearly.
Basically, being able to go throughout your day with confidence and energy.
Is that something you’re yearning for? Sounds like it’s time to start some healthy sleep hygiene habits.

Healthy Sleep Hygiene Habits
Each person’s healthy sleep habits will differ, so be sure to try a few to find what works best for you!
- Go to bed at the same time each day (even on weekends)
- Wake up at the same time each day (even on weekends)
- Don’t do anything besides sleep in your bed
- Keep your bedroom at a comfortable temperature
- Don’t eat a large meal before your bedtime
- Don’t use any electronics an hour before bed and an hour after waking up
- Try not to drink too much before bedtime
- Exercise during the day
- No time to go to the gym? (or just don’t want to?) Check out my article on Online Workout Programs For Any Fitness Level
- Avoid any form of caffeine past noon

How Much Sleep Do I Need?
There’s no standard amount of sleep every person needs (who started that 8 hour rumor??). Unsurprisingly, kids need quite a bit of sleep while older adults really don’t need as much. The CDC reports that an infant might be having about 12-16 hours of sleep while someone over 65 only needs 7-8 hours.
Take these with a grain of salt. If you fall into a category that requires a different amount that what you typically get (and feel you’ve gotten a good night’s sleep), then don’t worry about changing it!
So when you hear about teens sleeping for 10 hours a night, they actually need it!

Can’t Sleep? Let’s Figure Out Why
There’s endless possibilities for you not falling asleep or waking up in the middle of the night.
Waking up to pee throughout the night?
Try to stop having any fluids two hours before you go to bed. Also, use the restroom before hopping into bed.
Having trouble initially falling asleep?
You’re likely stressed or anxious. This isn’t a quick fix. Throughout your day implement the use of relaxation techniques and take steps to reduces these stressors in your life.
Feeling antsy and can’t lay down?
Increase your movement and exercise throughout your day. You should also double check the amount of caffeine you’re having. There’s a chance it’s more than you expect!
A weighted blanket may be helpful too. The pressure of the heavy weight can help you feel more secure and even less able to fidget.
Can’t get comfortable?
If you can’t get comfortable it’s probably time for a new pillow, sheets, and pj’s. This can make a dramatic change in your perception of your bed’s comfort. If you’re able to invest in a new bed, that’s a route to look into too.
Not tired?
Not being tired at a reasonable time happens. Getting a regular routine and not consuming caffeine too late in your day can help ensure you are actually tired at a reasonable hour.

Insomnia Doctors
As any health issue, speak with a health professional to get to the root cause of any issue. Make an appointment with your primary care physician (PCP). If they’re unable to help you ask for a referral to someone who can.
They may have you see a neurologist, psychologist/psychiatrist, or a respiratory therapist depending on your issue.
- American S. How Long Can Humans Stay Awake?. Scientific American. Published 2021. Accessed December 23, 2021.
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