You’ve heard about prebiotics and probiotics but now the new biotic are postbiotics. These aren’t as popular yet, but they may be just the thing you’re looking for.
How To Reduce Sodium In Your Diet
A low-sodium diet can aid heart, kidney, and overall health. This new way of eating can be daunting at first but I have the tools to make this transition doable for you!
All About Multivitamins
Multivitamins may sound like something just for kids, but are you sure you don’t need one too?
Everything You Need To Know About Eggs
At the grocery store you are now faced with a large refrigerator section full of different egg cartons bragging about being cage-free, organic, brown shell… and the price reflects it. Eggs are an awesome source of vitamins and minerals and protein. A single large chicken egg (on average about 2 ounces) will have about: 70…
Surprising Sources of Protein
When I say protein, is a burger or piece of meat the first image that pops into your head? For so long meat has been used interchangeably with protein but there are so many other sources of protein! Animal products are often a good source but not your only option. Protein Needs Before we look…
Why a Nutritionist Supports the Avocado Toast Trend
Explaining why avocado toast can be a balanced meal that is nutritionist-approved
What Even is Vitamin C?
Description of what vitamin C is, where it can be found, and a bit about the immune system.
Collagen: What is it?
Description of what collagen actually is, its different kinds and forms, benefits, and where to get it.