More | The Michigan Dietitian A healthy diet includes all of your favorites! Tue, 27 Aug 2024 17:55:00 +0000 en-US hourly 1 More | The Michigan Dietitian 32 32 Adopting A Healthy Lifestyle: What You NEED To Know Sat, 23 Nov 2024 20:00:00 +0000 In today's fast-paced world it may seem impossible to adopt a healthy lifestyle. Instead of making sudden dramatic changes, slowly implement these components for a sustained healthy lifestyle.

The post Adopting A Healthy Lifestyle: What You NEED To Know first appeared on The Michigan Dietitian.]]>
In today’s fast-paced world it may seem impossible for adopting a healthy lifestyle. Instead of making sudden dramatic changes, slowly implement these components for a sustained healthy lifestyle.

happy young black woman holding basket with lettuce on shoulder adopting a healthy lifestyle

What is Considered A Healthy Lifestyle

Everyone can have their own version of a healthy lifestyle. What this looks like is subjective and will vary person to person.

Popular media may have you believe that in order to be ‘healthy’ you must drink a greens powder in the morning, use a walking pad while you work, and never indulge in sweet treats. That is total B.S.!

A healthy lifestyle is something that includes a balanced diet, regular exercise, adequate sleep, and avoidance of harmful habits. For some it will be slight changes but for others it may be a large overhaul.

What and how much you do is completely up to you!

a woman in brown leggings holding a dumbbell

Components of A Healthy Lifestyle

There are no specific pillars that will lead to a healthy lifestyle, but here are a few important areas to start.

Balanced Diet: This is crucial! By having a diet balanced you will be fueled to do what you want, have enough brain power to power through your day, and reach your goals.

Regular Exercise: The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends 150 minutes of moderate intensity physical exercise a week in addition to two days of strength training.1 This can look different for everyone based on what you love, goals, and access!

One week you could: jog for 45 minutes on Monday, strength train Tuesday, 45 minutes on the elliptical Wednesday, strength train Thursday, and end you week with a long walk on Sunday! This is just a basic example. There are endless combinations of workouts that fulfill the CDC’s recommendations.

Adequate Sleep: This is one of the foundational components to adopting a healthy lifestyle. Nearly every other aspect relies on the premonition that adequate sleep is being had.

An epidemiologist from University of Michigan explains that, “Sleep is essential to every process in the body, affecting our physical and mental functioning the next day, our ability to fight disease and develop immunity, and our metabolism and chronic risk disease2“. She shows that nearly every other aspect of our health relies on adequate sleep.

couple talking and having breakfast

Socialization: Social health can be a multitude of interactions. Potentially, it may be contributing to your community, having friendships and relationships, caring for one another, and further! For clarification, these connections are about quality not quantity.

Without socialization, loneliness may occur and that has been linked to higher rates of3:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Suicide
  • Heart disease
  • Heart failure
  • Stroke
  • Dementia
  • Premature death

As you can probably tell, having social support system is a great idea to have in place to improve and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Avoid Harmful Habits: New information is always coming out. That is why there isn’t an exhaustive list of harmful activities/substances. As of now some harmful habits you may want to decrease or avoid completely are: smoking, nicotine use, vaping, and alcohol abuse.

cheerful mother and daughter resting in bed

Why You Should Adopt A Healthy Lifestyle

There are a ton of results you will see (or at least will occur) from adopting a healthy lifestyle!

Stress Reduction: Imagine how much better you’ll feel with less stress weighing you down!

Weight Management: For some, increased exercise and consuming a balanced diet may lead to weight reduction, but it is not the ultimate goal for a healthy lifestyle.

Mood Improvement: Through these different components you will experience elevated moods and increased endorphins!

Disease Prevention: There is no guarantee a healthy lifestyle will ward off any disease but it may be a factor in reducing your odds in disease prevention.

Improved Athletic Abilities: One of your goals could be to run quicker, further, or enjoy your movement more. Either way, if you are doing something more often you are more likely to improve!

Healthy Relationships: With socialization being a component, you’ll have the space to nurture and maintain your valued relationships.

I am sure you’ll come across a few more as well.

woman wearing pink dress holding fruit

Making A Lasting Change

The key to making a lasting healthy lifestyle change is to make it sustainable for you. Depriving yourself from your favorite foods or forcing yourself to do activities you loathe will only increase the odds of quitting.

What you implement needs to fit into your life in a manageable way. Telling yourself to never eat cake again isn’t going to work. I don’t even need to personally know you to promise you this!

If consuming less cake is a goal make it sustainable by opting for less amounts in a sitting or having it less often. Strictly cutting it out isn’t good for anyone!

Another important aspect to sustained change is to stay flexible. Things happen, plans change. Keeping flexible allows you to take these changes in stride knowing you have goals and can always continue owrking towards them.

woman in gray crew neck shirt adopting a healthy lifestyle

Where to Start

The first step when deciding to adopt a healthy lifestyle is to keep in mind that this will be challenging. You have to actively and consciously put in the effort to make these changes day after day until they become ingrained into your routine and habits.

Where you’re actually going to start is setting a clear goal. This should be something possible and makes sense for you. Additionally, you need to define what each step you are going to take to reach this goal.

For example, you may have the goal to do a turkey trot 5k on Thanksgiving with your family. This means you need to write down the steps and mini goals that are between you and that race.

Your first step may be to stretch! After doing this it may be to walk a mile, two miles the third day, and 3.1 on the fourth. The next goal could be to jog a mile and walk 2.1. This continues on until you can jog a 5k on Thanksgiving! You can even break this down into more gradual steps- whatever suits you!

By following this example you would have actually done a plethora of steps without realizing it:

  1. Set a clear goal (turkey trot 5k)
  2. Educate yourself (learning how to stretch and proper running form)
  3. Broke the goal down into steps and mini goals and made a plan (the different mileage growth)
women smiling at camera adopting a healthy lifestyle

Reasons to NOT Adopt A Healthy Lifestyle

For some, these habits may not be feasible nor warranted. Every person has their own situations, conditions, goal, and resources. These determinants may guide one’s path in what to encompass.

If you do not currently exercise it may seem impossible to follow the CDC’s recommendations of 150 minutes of moderate intensity exercise and two days of strength training. This recommendation doesn’t mean you have to immediately jump into it! By doing so you may actually cause yourself more harm than benefit!

If your healthcare provider has told you to not do a certain action or consume a specific diet, listen to them.

Do I Need to Stop ________?

When you decide to adopt a healthy lifestyle you may be believing that you have to immediately quit all habits that you see as ‘unhealthy’.

This is FALSE!

So, if you have read this far and want to adopt a healthy lifestyle but are thinking, ‘but do I need to stop _____ (insert anything you believe would have to be cut out)?’ No!

You can fit (nearly) anything in to a healthy lifestyle, including what you love! If having a few things you love in moderation allows you make a healthy lifestyle sustainable, go for it!

green juice for adopting a healthy lifestyle

Frequently Asked Questions About Healthy Lifestyles

Do I need to take 10,000 steps everyday?

No, you do not need to take 10,000 steps everyday. This is an arbitrary number. Some days you will take less steps and some days you’ll take more. Don’t worry about a specific number, just move your body most days!

How much water should I drink in a day?

Unless you have a medical condition, there is no specific amount of water you should be consuming everyday. It will vary based on weight, sex, temperature, activity level, etc. There are SO many factors that will alter the amount of water you consume!

Do I need to avoid dairy and gluten?

No! You do not need to avoid dairy and gluten. If you are allergic to dairy, yes avoid it. If you have celiacs disease, yes, avoid gluten. And unless you’ve been told by a healthcare professional you are likely to be a-okay to enjoy the dairy and gluten-filled foods you love.

Should I be drinking green juice?

If you are having a balanced diet you do not need a greens juice or greens powder. These are supplements meant to fill any gaps you may have in your diet. If you are having enough fruits and veggies these products will just be a waste of money!

Do I need to take supplements to be healthy?

If you are concerned about not meeting your recommended intake of nutrients you may want to consider a multivitamin. This will help ensure any vitamin and mineral gaps in your diet are filled.

If you have a certain condition or disease you may be prone to a deficit or be in need of additional nutrients. Speak to your healthcare provider prior to beginning any supplement.

Key Takeaways For Adopting A Healthy Lifestyle

  • A balanced diet, regular exercise, adequate sleep, socialization, and avoiding harmful habits are all components of a healthy lifestyle.
  • There are nearly endless benefits from adopting a healthy lifestyle.
  • You don’t need to cut off all of your favorite foods and activities cold turkey. By continuing what you love in moderation is the key to long-term success!
  • These components mentioned may not be suitable for everyone.
  • Trending health topics can be pretty persuasive, always consult a healthcare professional prior to following online advice.

Craving More?

Do you have other questions about common health trends and what is truly healthful? Check out some of the other articles and you just may find an answer to your question. If not, feel free to send me along an email or leave a comment and i’ll do my best to get back to you!

Also check out if I’ve answered your question on Instagram!

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This is not intended to be medical advice. Always follow instruction from your healthcare provider.

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75 Hard: Why You SHOULDN’T Do It Sat, 19 Oct 2024 19:00:00 +0000 You've seen others recommend 75 Hard. I'm here to tell you why you SHOULDN'T attempt this challenge. Instead, try these actually possible healthful habits!

The post 75 Hard: Why You SHOULDN’T Do It first appeared on The Michigan Dietitian.]]>
You’ve seen others recommend 75 Hard. I’m here to tell you why you SHOULDN’T attempt this challenge. Instead, try these actually possible healthful habits!

woman doing exercise inside gym for 75 Hard

What is 75 Hard?

75 Hard is a diet and exercise challenge that tends to repopularize around spring and the new year when people prepare their ‘beach bodies’ and start the new year off ‘healthy’. It is a strict, life-consuming challenge that encourages atemptee’s to focus on their diet, exercise, and personal development for 75 days.

75 Hard Challenge Rules

There’s more to this 75-day-long challenge than just unrealistic exercise routines. The challenge is to:

  • Strictly follow a diet plan. This can be any plan of choice, although there is absolutely no alcohol or ‘cheating’ allowed! Some popular choices are vegan, DASH, or Mediterranean.
  • Workout twice a day for 45 minutes each, with one being outdoors.
  • Drink a gallon of water every day.
  • Read 10 pages of a personal development or nonfiction book every day.
  • Take progress photos.

This is QUITE the challenge! Going from an unbalanced way of eating and not exercising to this can actually be more harmful than beneficial!

woman doing sit ups for 75 Hard

Why People Attempt the 75 Hard Challenge

This challenge promises incredible (and pretty unrealistic) outcomes. Atemptees are under the belief that by following the strict rules for 75 days they will have reached their ultimate health goals.

Every year this challenge is promoted by social media users posting to keep themselves accountable and showcase their results along the way. With this comes community. This challenge can bring together those attempting it with camaraderie and support.

Why You SHOUDN’T Attempt 75 Hard

If 75 Hard still sounds enticing, I hope to convince you otherwise.

Harmful Mindset:

For 75 days you are forced to follow through on this massive time and energy commitment. This means saying no to social activities, refusing dinners that don’t align with your diet, and forcing yourself to work out.

This challenge touts that there are no ‘cheat meals’ allowed. How does one even ‘cheat’ on food!? If you feel stuck in the never-ending diet cycle check out this article How to Ditch Dieting for Good.


With a restrictive diet and massive amounts of working out, it’s hard to not lose weight. The thing is, during the entirety of the challenge you’ll be looking forward to the last day. Maybe you have a ‘cheat day’ planned?

You cannot do this challenge for the rest of your life. Heck, it’s incredibly hard to even do for 75 days! That means once you return to old habits the weight will slowly return. Next up, you’ll be looking for the next popular diet trend!

Time Consuming:

If you are unable to follow a balanced diet and work out occasionally now, what makes you think this challenge is a good idea? The strict diet requires much preparation in the way of learning what fits, shopping, prepping, cooking, and likely many repeated boring meals.

The workouts alone take 1.5 hours! In addition to this is the time to get ready, transport to and from where you’re working out, and take a shower afterward. With all this, your exercise time commitment is likely closer to 2.5 hours a day!


It can’t be argued that consuming a proper diet, regular exercise, and reading are beneficial. The thing is, going from one extreme to another can be dangerous! Always consult your doctor before making any dramatic changes.

woman in green tank top sitting beside table with drinking glass and fresh vegetables

What to Do INSTEAD of 75 Hard

Everyone will have their reasons for taking on this challenge, so what to do instead will also vary.

If you are doing it for the weight loss… consider smaller changes to your diet. A massive diet change is unlikely, but swapping your morning pastry for a protein-packed meal is more likely to stick- for good!

If you are doing it for the exercise… remember that MOST people are unable to work out for 1.5 hours every day. This is a lot of time to spend working out, especially if you are going from none!

Instead, start with what makes sense for YOU! Have a goal of running a 5k? Start by walking a mile and increase from there. Have a goal to build muscle? Start by signing up for a gym membership and learning the proper form of exercises!

If you are doing it for the water intake… you don’t need to take on this entire challenge to drink more water! Instead, make a plan of when you’ll drink water throughout the day. Consider drinking two of your ~emotional support~ water bottles full by lunch, then another two by the time you go to sleep.

If you are doing it for the community… you don’t need to join a harmful diet challenge to connect with others. There are PLENTY of other groups that have communities for you to join. Find a local walking group through Facebook, learn how to bake from support on Reddit, and meet others who enjoy comedy by attending local shows!

If you are doing it for the mental development… consider your true reasons for this challenge. Ultimately, reading personal development books is a minor aspect of this challenge. If your true goal is to work on your mental development, just read! You don’t HAVE to take part in every aspect of this challenge to improve yourself.

selective focus photography of woman in pink shirt for 75 hard

75 Hard: Why You SHOULDN’T Do It Takeaways

  • 75 Hard is a diet and exercise challenge that includes a strict diet plan, 2-45 minute workouts, consumption of a gallon of water, reading personal development books, and taking progress photos.
  • This challenge is a massive undertaking that may lead to removing yourself from social activities, lack of rest, and a cycle of dieting.
  • You should NOT attempt this challenge because it can lead to disordered eating, potential exercise addiction, or other harmful results.

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75 Hard and Why You Shouldn't Do It


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Crafting the Perfect Balanced Snacks: A Step-By-Step Guide Sat, 05 Oct 2024 19:00:00 +0000 Discover the art of crafting balanced snacks in this step-by-step guide. Utilize different nutrition components to build the best snack for you! Is Snacking Healthy? Some will make you believe that nibbling on a snack (or few) throughout the day means there’s something going wrong with your main meals. This is NOT usually the case!...

The post Crafting the Perfect Balanced Snacks: A Step-By-Step Guide first appeared on The Michigan Dietitian.]]>
Discover the art of crafting balanced snacks in this step-by-step guide. Utilize different nutrition components to build the best snack for you!

fresh sliced vegetables served with sauce in black bowl on tray as balanced snacks

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Is Snacking Healthy?

Some will make you believe that nibbling on a snack (or few) throughout the day means there’s something going wrong with your main meals. This is NOT usually the case!

It is important to start your days with balanced and satisfying meals. After you’ve got those nailed down you may still be reaching for a snack. This is completely normal!

Why You Snack

For some, snacking throughout the day is their regular way of eating. Others, choose to have larger meals and skip the snacks. Whichever way you lean towards, snacking is always an option.

If you are not a regular snacker but find yourself looking for them between meals there could be a few reasons!

Exercise- Working out burns energy. It is very normal to feel hungrier the day of and the next couple days after a workout.

Growth- During a phase of life where you are growing your body needs more calories to function properly! Think about it this way: if your body is attempting to grow two inches, you physically need more calories for this extra energy expenditure and creation.

Pregnancy– During the second and third pregnancy you need 300-500 (this range varies person to person) additional calories. Sprinkling in snacks is a great way to ensure there’s sustained energy and makes reaching these new calorie goals more attainable.

Some other situations that may reason towards snacking are: times of illness, breastfeeding, stress, change in monthly hormones, taking certain medications, environmental or social situations, not consuming enough at meal times, change in metabolic rate.

Choice- Food isn’t just about reasoning and precise nutrition. Having a snack because your best friend made you a treat, you need some comfort, or simply because you are! There does not need to be an explanation to snack!

ham and cheese with crackers on the plate as balanced snacks

What Are Balanced Snacks

A balanced snack is one that contains at least two of the three macronutrients: protein, carbohydrates, and dietary fat.

My choosing at least two of the three categories ensure you are more satisfied and won’t be reaching for another minutes later.

Building A Balanced Snack:

Step 1: Pick 2 or more foods from the 3 macronutrient categories.

Step 2: Consider fiber, cultural preferences, how much time you have, and what you’re craving!


This macronutrient help repair and maintain your muscles.

  • Greek yogurt
  • Beef sticks
  • Cottage cheese
  • Tofu
  • Deli meat
  • Cheese
  • Nuts
  • Hummus
  • Edamame
  • Milk
  • Hard boiled egg
  • Seafood
close up of raspberries in bowl on table


Our bodies love to utilize carbs as its main source of energy! Be sure to keep fueled with these.

  • Veggies
  • Oats/Oatmeal
  • Rice
  • Crackers
  • Bread
  • Fruits: Fresh, dried, frozen- any variety!
  • Rice cakes

Dietary Fats

These are concentrated forms of energy. Enjoy dietary fat in moderation!

  • Nuts
  • Cheese
  • Olives
  • Most dips/sauces
  • Nut butter
  • Avocado
  • Oils
  • Seafood

This is not an exhaustive list! There are SO many different protein, carbohydrate, and dietary fat options that can be incorporated into balanced snacks!

Did you notice there’s a few that are on more than one macronutrient category? This wasn’t a mistake! Some foods inherently have more than one component to them. Something like a cheese stick does have about 7 grams of protein but also has about 5 grams of dietary fat.

It would be easy to have it set in your mind that a cheese stick is considered protein. But, if you did that you wouldn’t be accounting for the dietary fat in it as well. This just shows the importance in understanding your food in order to make the choices you’re aiming for!

white popcorns on round white ceramic bowl

Frequently Asked Questions

What about those 100-calorie snacks?

Think of calories as fuel for your body. Consuming a small amount of calories is a small amount of fuel. There’s nothing inherently ‘wrong’ with a 100-calorie snack pack but it is unlikely to keep you satisfied until your next meal.

What if I just want a plain apple?

Not every snack needs to be completely optimized! I will never tell you to not eat an apple! You can totally eat a plain apple without pairing it with something such as yogurt or nut butter.

What time should I stop snacking at night?

Some groups have the belief that eating after a certain time at night directly leads to weight gain. This has been repeatedly proven false. You body doesn’t begin processing food after a certain time. Have a snack when you want or need it.

How many snacks a day is too many?

THE LIMIT DOES NOT EXIST! (from Mean Girls, ya know!?)

So that’s not exactly true. There should probably be a line to draw somewhere but that’s not possible to draw without knowing more about you.

What snacks are good for mindless snacking?

Sometimes you just feel like eating. If you have a relatively healthy relationship with food and are making this choice every once in a while, that’s totally fine! If you aren’t having a craving for a specific food opt for lower calorie and higher fiber foods. Some ideas for these moments could be having popcorn, veggies, fruits.

sargento balanced breaks

Balanced Snacks Considerations


If you are in a rush and there’s no time to make these balanced snack choices and prepare them, no fret! There are tons of on-the-go options on the market these days.

In the dairy aisle of your grocery store are now Balanced Breaks. These are pre-portioned snack containers of cheese, nuts, and fruits. These are delicious and easy all-in-one balanced snacks.

Some other on-the-go balanced snack options are: meat and cheese packs, individual chicken salad kits, protein bars (they have both protein and carbs!).


Fiber is a type of carb that is not digested. There are two types of fiber that work in different ways, but essentially, fiber helps keep you full. If you are interested in reading more about fiber check out this deep dive article: Fiber, an Important Carbohydrate.


The macronutrient examples are normal in my culture. That doesn’t make them the gold standard or specific options you should be reaching for. Incorporating foods significant to your culture should be considered when making a snack!


Sometimes you are craving some chocolate. Just because it is not your typically recommended snack doesn’t mean you can’t have it! If you’re craving it, it is usually best to enjoy it!

For this example, there are some strategies that could make having chocolate as a snack more balanced. You could pair the chocolate with some greek yogurt, peanut butter, or nuts to add in some more nutrients for satisfaction.

Ideas for Balanced Snacks

  • Cheese Cubes (protein/fat) + Apple Slices (carb/fiber)
  • Rice Cakes (carb) + Avocado (fat)
  • Greek Yogurt (protein) + Blueberries (carb) + Granola (carb/fat)
  • Trail Mix (protein/carb/fat)
  • Hummus (protein/carb) + Carrots (carb)
  • Tuna (protein/fat) + Cucumber (carb)
  • Banana (carb) + Nut Butter (protein/fat)
  • String Cheese (protein/fat) + Pretzels (carb)
  • Cottage Cheese (protein) + Peaches (carb)
  • English Muffin (carb) + Cream Cheese (fat)
  • Mini Bagel (carb) + Deli Meat (protein) + Cream Cheese (fat)
  • Toast (carb) + Olive Oil (fat) + Cheese (protein/fat)
  • Roasted Chickpeas (protein/carb) + Oil (fat)
  • Chicken Salad (protein/fat) + Crackers (carb)
  • Whole Grain Cereal (carb) + Milk (protein/fat)
  • Oatmeal (carb) + Egg (protein) + Tomato (carb) + Pesto (fat)
  • Celery(carb) + Cream Cheese (fat) + Everything But The Bagel Seasoning
  • Date (carb) + Nut Butter (protein/fat)

Basically, there are TONS of potential balanced snack ideas possible. If you have other snacks you reach for, leave them in the comments down below so others (and I) can give a taste!

Crafting the Perfect Balanced Snack Guide

Crafting the Perfect Balanced Snacks: A Step-By-Step Guide Takeaways

  • There could be a number of reasons for snacking, and no matter the reason, it’s valid.
  • For a balanced snack opt for including at least two of the three macronutrients.
  • There are tons of different options in each macronutrient group. Choose ones that fit your situation and needs.
  • Beyond optimized balanced snacks you have some different considerations at play. Consider these when choosing your snack.

Craving More?

Do you have any go-to snacks? Leave it in the comments below for others (and me) to try! Also, share your snack combo with me in Instagram, I’d love to see!

Want to read more about nutrition? I think you may like these other articles:

Crafting the Perfect Balanced Snacks Guide
The post Crafting the Perfect Balanced Snacks: A Step-By-Step Guide first appeared on The Michigan Dietitian.]]> 0
The 11 Best High Fiber Cereals (Dietitian Approved!) Sat, 14 Sep 2024 19:00:00 +0000 There are hundreds of cereal options available on the market today. Choosing a high fiber cereal can be difficult. That's why i've compiled a few to compare side-by-side!

The post The 11 Best High Fiber Cereals (Dietitian Approved!) first appeared on The Michigan Dietitian.]]>
There are hundreds of cereal options available on the market today. Choosing a high fiber cereal can be difficult. That’s why i’ve compiled a few to compare side-by-side!

blueberry bowl breakfast cereal
Bowl of high fiber cereal with fresh blueberries

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What is Fiber?

Fiber is a digestive material. There are two types of fiber: soluble and insoluble.

Soluble fiber will slow down your digestion. This is the fiber that helps keep you full longer. They also help ensure your blood sugars don’t spike.

Insoluble fiber keep you regular. They add bulk to your waste, aiding it in staying plump as it is excreted.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommends 28g of fiber per day. This will vary person-to-person but 28 is a good number to aim for! This number is an average goal. Some days you may not reach that amount and some days you may greatly surpass it.

To officially be considered a good source of fiber a serving needs to have at least 2.5g of fiber while a high fiber claim requires 5g of fiber per serving.

If you want to learn a bit more in-depth about fiber read my article, Fiber: An Important Carbohydrate.

Benefits of Fiber

Although there are two types of fiber, both types result in many benefits.

One benefit of consuming fiber is weight management. Fiber can make you feel full, longer. This means you may feel comfortable with the food you ate longer if you include a good amount of fiber in the meal. Because of this, you may end up not consuming as much and lead to weight management.

Another benefit of fiber is blood sugar regulation. Soluble fiber is the type of fiber most responsible for this benefit (think oats and legumes). Fiber plays a role in regulation by slowing down digestion and absorption, increased satiety (feeling of fullness), and lowers glycemic index level.

There are many more benefits to fiber but the last I am going to touch on is heart health. A link has been found between a diet rich in fiber and reduced risk of heart disease.

Also, soluble fiber is shown to reduce LDL cholesterol. Having unbalanced cholesterol levels can cause cardiovascular issues. This means having your LDL cholesterol in proper range can play a role in good cardiovascular health.

If you have been told you have high cholesterol and need to reduce it read my article Simple Changes to Lower Your Cholesterol

chocolate cereal on white bowl near glass of milk

Fiber and Constipation

I lied a bit when I said I was done talking about the benefits of fiber. I actually wanted to save one of the favorite benefits of fiber for its own section!

Fiber has a big reputation for preventing and relieving constipation.

If you are constipated some ways fiber can aid are through increased stool bulk, improved regularity, enhanced motility, softened stool, and prebiotics to feed the probiotic bacteria in the gut.

One thing to remember when increasing your fiber intake is to also increase your water intake! If you don’t drink additional water when increasing fiber to relieve constipation you may actually end up making it worse!

When to Choose High Fiber Cereal

There are an abundance of times when opting for a high fiber cereal is an ideal choice.

  • If you are working with a dietitian, they will be able to run a food diary and know your average intake of fiber. If you are not meeting around 28g of fiber you may want to consider a high fiber cereal.
  • Experiencing constipation
  • A medical professional explains you need to consume more fiber

If you choose to consume high fiber cereal for another reason not listed above, leave it in the comments below. This is a great way to show others when and why to consider it!

red strawberry and raspberry on white ceramic bowl

11 Best High Fiber Cereal Options

If you want to see all of these fiber cereals compared side by side, keep on reading and you’ll find a chart down below. You’ll also find a surprise roundup as well!

Grape Nuts

This is an extremely crunchy cereal. It is something you can add to milk and be ensured it won’t get soggy for quite a while. You may enjoy Grape Nuts on a yogurt parfait instead of granola!

Fiber One

This type has it right in the name, Fiber One, has a great amount of fiber! Hold on to your head because I am about to blow your mind. A simple 2/3 cup serving has 18g of fiber! That is more than half of your recommended daily intake of fiber in a small serving of cereal!

Nature’s Path

You can find Nature’s Path cereal in massive quantities. When attempting to find the nutrition information on this cereal I found that you can buy 12.5lbs of it for $65 on their website. If you are interested in this high fiber cereal you can also get 7g of fiber in a single 160 calorie serving. That’s amazing!

Raisin Bran

Raisin Bran is one of the most well known cereals. It was first created all the way back in 1926, making it nearly 100 years old! Raisin Bran is known for its sweetened raisin bits. This is both a good source of fiber with 9g in a 1 and 1/4 cup serving and can be a sweet treat!

photo of granola on bowl

Great Grains

This cereal is similar to Raisin Bran, except it has nuts added in. A simple 3/4 cup serving has 5g of fiber. A bonus is that most grocery stores will have Great Grains kept in stock.


This is a bit lesser known cereal. Think of frosted flakes but without the sugar coating. Total cereal is a great base to add fruit and other additions to change up the flavor. This cereal has an amazing serving size of 1 cup with only 140 calories with 4g of fiber and 3g of protein.

Food For Life Ezekiel 4:9

This is typically a more expensive and more difficult one to find. The original Ezekiel cereal has 6g of fiber in a serving. That is a great amount compared to some other options out there!


The Quaker Oatmeal Squares don’t seem to be a popular choice of cereal but it is a good source of fiber! It has 5g of fiber in a serving and 6g of protein!


Looking specifically at the Honey Almond Flax Crunch flavor, this cereal packs a nutrition punch. There is 8g of fiber and 9g of protein in a single serving!

Now we are going to look at Kashi Autumn Wheat cereal. This cereal is also made by Kashi but it is a bit different from the Honey Almond Flax Crunch flavor. This one is more similar to mini wheaties. A serving is considered 32 biscuits with 7g of fiber!

person holding white ceramic coffee cup leaning on brown wooden table


While this is a very normal breakfast in other countries this is not a typical breakfast cereal to have in America. If you have never heard of Weetabix, it consists of large biscuits that you place in your bowl and cover in milk. They then soften up and are easy to break with your spoon and enjoy.

A serving is 3 biscuits. These aren’t the size of wheaties, they are more like the size of an elongated cookie. So, you get a good serving size and 6g of fiber!

Cereal NameServing SizeCaloriesProteinFiber
Grape Nuts1/2 Cup2006g7g
Fiber One2/3 Cup903g18g
Nature’s Path1 Cup1605g7g
Raisin Bran1 and 1/4 Cup1905g9g
Great Grains3/4 Cup2004g5g
Total1 Cup1403g4g
Ezekiel 4:91/2 Cup1905g6g
Quaker1 Cup2106g5g
Kashi Honey Almond3/4 Cup2009g8g
Kashi Autumn Wheat32 Biscuits2007g7g
Weetabix3 Biscuits1805g6g
Side-by-side cereal comparison

Best Cereal Runner Up’s

I chose to make a bonus compilation of ‘runner up’ high fiber cereal options as well- surprise!

There is absolutely nothing wrong with these cereals, I just had to draw the line somewhere! These cereals may have less fiber, less protein, high calories, or some other reason they got grouped in this bonus category!

Three Wishes

This cereal may not have the highest amounts of fiber (3g per 1 cup serving), but it does have a great amount of protein. There is 8g of protein! Three Wishes would be an awesome choice if you only wanted a bowl of cereal for breakfast.

Rice Chex

This was a difficult one to categorize! Rice Chex only has 2g of fiber but that is in 1 and 1/3 cup serving. That means there is only 160 calories in a large serving. You could easily have two servings and up your fiber intake to 4g!

bowl with cereal and milk


Cheerios are a childhood classic. They may have a good shape for safe consumption by a child and have a great amount of iron, but they aren’t the best for adults with different nutrition goals.

A serving of Cheerio Oat Berry Crunch has 220 calories and 3g of fiber and protein. That is good for a child that needs easy calories and iron but not too much for the general majority of Americans.

Cascadian Farm

If you’ve never heard about Cascadian Farm, they are a brand working towards restoring land. This may be a determining factor for some to choose this brand.

This cereal has 270 calories and 3g of fiber in only 3/4 cup serving. This isn’t the best calorie to serving size ratio for many. But, for some, this could be easy calories!

Cereal NameServing Size
Three Wishes1 Cup1308g3g
Rice Chex1 and 1/3 Cup1603g2g
Cheerios1 Cup2003g3g
Cascadian Farm2/3 Cup2706g3g
Best Cereal Runner-Up Comparison

A Word From A Registered Dietitian

There is a time and a place in the diet for any food. If you only enjoy cereal that tends to not have much fiber such as Fruit Pebbles or Cocoa Puffs… that’s okay! You don’t need to only consume a high fiber cereal.

This is information to put in your back pocket and gear you up to make educated choices. Choose whichever you are craving and makes sense for you!

Ways to Add Fiber to Cereal

Choosing a cereal high in fiber isn’t the only way to get additional fiber in your day. You can also try adding additional goodies to your breakfast bowl of cereal to amp up the level of fiber!

Add (any type of) fruit! This could be fresh, frozen, canned, or dried. I love adding fresh blueberries for added texture.

A small tablespoon scoop of chia seeds can be sprinkled on top and add 3 additional grams of fiber. Hint: allow the chia seeds to soak in the milk for a few minutes prior to adding the cereal for a thicker consistency.

Nuts and seeds are another great option to add fiber! These can be changed up based on the flavor of cereal you’re having to make new combinations. They also can be a great source of fiber while add good consistency and texture to your bowl.

Recipes to Try Using High Fiber Cereal

bran muffin on towel
Bran Muffin
  1. Try Cookies and Cups Bran Muffins! They use bran cereal in the ingredients. This is the perfect time to utilize a high fiber variety of cereal for some extra fiber in your morning muffin!
  2. Try Kelly Anthony’s Cornflake Chicken recipe! This is an incredible way to incorporate cornflakes into a savory dinner meal.
  3. Try topping a smoothie or smoothie bowl with cereal for some crunch and a way to slow you down a bit!
  4. Use a variety of cereal bits to make Anna’s Leftover Cereal Cookies
  5. Peanut Butter and Honey Cereal Bars are a quick on-the-go snack to have on hand.
  6. Taste my Reese’s Puppy Chow. These are incredibly easy to assemble and incredibly delicious!
cornflake crusted chicken wings
Cornflake crusted chicken

Key Takeaways

  • You should aim for about 28g of fiber each day.
  • You can use cereals for other meals beyond having it in a bowl with some milk!
  • There are a variety of cereals that can be a good source of fiber.
  • Fiber can help relieve constipation and assist in weight management.


This is not medical advice. Be sure to speak to your physician or registered dietitian before making any changes.

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High Protein Foods For Picky Eaters From A Registered Dietitian Sat, 24 Aug 2024 19:00:00 +0000 Ensuring a picky eater gets enough protein can be a challenge! Whether the picky eater in your life is a child to and adult, these high protein foods for picky eaters ideas and tips that may be helpful!

The post High Protein Foods For Picky Eaters From A Registered Dietitian first appeared on The Michigan Dietitian.]]>
Ensuring a picky eater gets enough protein can be a challenge! Whether the picky eater in your life is a child to and adult, these high protein foods for picky eaters ideas and tips that may be helpful!

girl eating sliced watermelon fruit beside table

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What is Protein?

Most people think of protein as something they aren’t getting enough of or as something only bodybuilders need.

In actuality, everybody needs to have an adequate amount for their needs, lifestyle, and goals.

Protein is one of the three macronutrients (protein, carbohydrates, and dietary fats). Having an sufficient amounts of protein is crucial for proper functioning of the body. This means it plays a role in immunity, maintain and grow muscle, hormone regulation, and even the structure of cells.

Why Protein is Important

Protein is a crucial micronutrient to have in the diet. As I just said, protein plays a role in many different functions of the body.

It is easy to explain why protein is important to have in the body. But, it may make more of an impact to know what may happen if you become deficient in protein.

  1. Without enough protein your body with borrow some from your bones. This will cause them to become weak, fragile, and porous.
  2. Stunted growth.
  3. Weak and brittle skin, hair, and nails.
  4. Hormone imbalances that could lead to issues with insulin, metabolism, and growth.
  5. Pregnancy issues.
  6. Cognitive and mood disturbances.
  7. Fatigue and weakness.

This isn’t even an extensive list, but I thought it would be enough to help you understand the importance role high protein foods for picky eaters is.

three toddler eating on white table

How Much Protein You Need

The amount of protein you need varies on a ton of factors. If you are curious about your specific protein needs talk to a registered dietitian!

In general, 0.8g of protein per kilogram of bodyweight is a good. That means if someone weighed 68kg (150 pounds) they may want to have around 54g of protein in a day.

Some of the factors that could affect someone’s protein needs may include their fitness goals, if they are pregnant or lactation, disease, etc.

What is Picky Eating

Picky eating is the common way to describe selective eating or neophobia. It’s usually seen in children but that doesn’t mean people of any age can’t be considered a picky eater.

These picky eaters may have an aversion to the smell, taste, texture, color, or any other aspect of a food. There really is no specific issue that all picky eaters are affected by.

boy in brown long sleeve shirt eating

High Protein Foods For Picky Eaters

If protein is a food group you or your loved one struggles with consuming, having ample protein sources and options is important. Be sure to have protein in both snacks and meals.


  • Greek Yogurt/Yogurt: Greek yogurt is a great high protein option. If additional sweetness is needed try adding honey or agave. If this still isn’t good enough try regular yogurt. Anything is better than nothing!
  • Cheese Stick/String Cheese: Cheese is a good source of protein and there are tons of different ways it can be consumed!
  • Nuts: If peanuts aren’t accepted try different types of nuts, flavored varieties, alternate cuts (sliced almonds vs. whole almonds), or pairing them with a loved food like raisins and chocolate chips.
  • Hummus: This alone is not a good source of protein. There is only about 2g of protein in a serving but this may be a good addition to some veggies instead of other sauces to pump up the protein in a picky eaters snack.
  • Squeeze Tubes: These pouches are so easy to grab and go. Many don’t have protein, but you can definitly find a few that do!
  • Seeds: These can be a quick little snack or sprinkled onto an already accepted snack.
  • Milk: This one is a classic! There is 8g of high quality protein in every 8 ounces.
  • Nut Butter: Just like hummus, this isn’t the best protein source. It is a better dietary fat source. But, it does have some protein!
  • Smoothie: When making a smoothie be sure to add milk, greek yogurt, or cottage cheese to ensure there is a protein source. If additional protein is needed then try adding a protein powder. Start with a small amount and add larger amounts as it is accepted.
  • Meat Sticks: There is beef jerky that comes in the bag or you can get meat sticks. The different textures may make one accepted over the other.
  • Cottage Cheese: Cottage cheese has gotten ahold of cauliflowers PR team! It has definitely made a comeback in popularity. You can try making this sweet, savory, or blended into a sauce!
  • Hard Boiled Eggs: Eggs in other forms tend to be saved for meals, but if eggs are accepted, it is an awesome source of protein between meals!
mother and daughter preparing avocado toast


  • Chicken: Try different cooking techniques and a variety of slicing!
  • Sausage: If one flavor of sausage isn’t accepted try any of the others.
  • Tuna: Alter the moisture content by adding more or less dressing to see what is preferred.
  • Tofu: You can leave this plain, cook it in different ways, or blend it up and hide it in smoothies, casseroles, and sauces.
  • Meatballs: If one shape of meatball isn’t accepted, try making them smaller or larger!
  • Beef: This us such a basic food that can be made in so many different ways. Chicken is many people go-to protein source for meals, but beef deserves its place at the table.
  • Lunch Meat: This can be any variety or flavor.
  • Seafood: This can be a difficult option if it is the only accepted food. Keep small portions on-hand in the freezer so you can make smaller servings at a time.
  • Eggs: Just like the other options, try cooking these in different ways before cutting them out. You can even plop in a few extra eggs to your recipes for additional hidden protein (keep in mind this may alter the end result).
  • Beans: Make them raw, boiled, bakes, air-fried, mashed, or blended!
  • Textured Vegetable Protein:
  • Protein Pasta: This can make one think they are just enjoying pasta, but they are actually getting in some protein!
  • Soy Curls: These are dehydrated soy bean curls. They aren’t the most popular protein option, but if they are accepted by the picky eater, it’s a win!


If all food options, cooking methods, and ways of serving has been exhausted it may be time to look into supplements.

  • Protein Drinks: A liquid can sometimes be better accepted than food. There are a variety of ready-to-drink protein drinks available on the market or you can add a scoop of protein powder to a glass of milk to make a quick protein drink.
  • Carnation Instant Breakfast: These drinks are usually loved by children! They used to just be available in vanilla and chocolate but now they have Fruit Loops and Cinnabon flavors!
  • Protein Products (chips, cookies, candies, etc.): The health industry has seriously emphasized protein in the past few years. Now you can find anything with added protein. If you can’t find these products throughout the grocery aisles, check out the supplement section of the store!
high protein foods for picky eaters smiling child

Tips for Picky Eaters

If you (or your loved one) is a picky about protein foods, it is important to become knowledgeable to ensure a well rounded diet is eaten!

If a food isn’t typically accepted try alternate cooking methods, adding different spices, and cutting the food in a different ways. You can even try pairing it with other foods to attempt it at first!

If strawberries on their own are not accepted, try adding them to a fruit salad or on top of a dessert. This format may get consumed.

Modeling is a great strategy to use if there is someone in the picky eaters life capable of this. This entails having a trusted loved one to consume the foods without issue while supporting the picky eater.

Ways to Incorporate High Protein Foods for Picky Eaters

Eating a protein-packed food on it’s own may not be the best method for a picky eater. Sometimes getting creative and maintaining flexibility is the only way to get protein consumed.

  1. Pair it with other foods (crackers with cheese)
  2. Cut it in new ways (strips, cookie cutters, etc.)
  3. Try various seasonings
  4. Add it to a smoothie
  5. Sprinkle some on something else (hemp seeds sprinkled on a cereal)
  6. Create it into a sauce (turn cottage cheese into a vodka sauce)
  7. Add it to a combination food where it won’t be as noticeable (casseroles)
  8. Whether the picky eater is a child, teen, or adult modeling consuming different foods may provide comfort and aid the eater in trying new foods.

If you found any other methods that work, be sure to share them in the comments for others to try as well!

a young girl in blue floral dress sitting on the car trunk while eating food

Creating Easy Access to Protein Foods

The most sustainable ways to ensure you have constant access is to keep it prepared and to make it a habit. Protein foods are usually thought of as foods that need to be refrigerated. In actuality, there are ways to ensure easy access to high protein foods for picky eaters.

When hunger strikes it is difficult to decide to cook a batch of chicken. These are the times you will thank your previous self for preparing food ahead of time.

Meal prepping can be called the low-hanging fruit. Most people know about it and do it on a regular basis. Instead of putting together a whole meal you can ingredient prep. In this, you prepare all the foods you may need for the week but store them separately.

Make protein snacks easy by keeping accepted items on hand. This means having them in the fridge, freezer, pantry, a bag/backpack, desk, car, and anywhere else you frequent.

Another way to ensure you always have a protein food is to keep it on the grocery list. This way when it runs out (and inevitably doesn’t get written on the list) it’ll already be there.

High Protein Foods for Picky Eaters Takeaways

  • Protein is an important macronutrient to regularly consume as it plays a crucial role in many body functions.
  • Be sure you are getting enough protein by speaking to a registered dietitian.
  • There are a ton of high protein snacks and meals to try!
  • Utilize supplements after you’ve exhausted all the food options.
  • Getting creative and remaining flexible and patient is critical when dealing with a picky eater.
  • Apply various protein incorporation techniques based on the situation.

Protein Recipes to Try!

If you or your picky eater want to try some new protein packed recipes, check these out!:

  1. Healthy Cinnamon Protein Donuts
  2. Protein Oreo Mug Cake
  3. Basic Berry Protein Smoothie

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The Best Liquids for Smoothies Sat, 13 Jul 2024 19:00:00 +0000 Transform your beverage by utilizing different liquids for smoothies! By using these different liquids you can practically have a new smoothie every day.

The post The Best Liquids for Smoothies first appeared on The Michigan Dietitian.]]>
Transform your beverage by utilizing different liquids for smoothies! By using these different liquids you can practically have a new smoothie every day.

 liquids for smoothies using milk

What Makes a Smoothie

A smoothie tends to be made up of a liquid, fruit, and ice. Some smoothies will also utilize nut butters, seeds, oats, protein powder, and veggies. Honestly, there’s probably a TON of other potential ingredients people add to their smoothies.

The basics are that smoothies are a nutrient-packed drink that is usually enjoyed cold.

1. Water: The Basic Option

Of course I had to put water at the top of the list! This is the most basic of liquids for smoothies. It alters the consistency but doesn’t add (or detract!) to the flavor of the smoothie.

bottle of fresh milk on windowsill at home

2. Milk: The Creamy Option

Milk makes the second option of my list! Real dairy milk is top tier with its great nutrition density (8g of protein in a cup!) and delicious creamy flavor but, there are other ‘milk’ options now available on the market.

In addition to dairy milk there is also:

  • Lactose-free dairy milk- This gets you the same nutrition and consistency as classic milk but without the lactose.
  • Coconut milk– A great choice if you know you’re in need of some coconut flavor! Maybe you’re going for a piña colada flavored smoothie but don’t have actual coconut!?
  • Soy milk– A top tier alternative to dairy milk! This still has great nutrition benefits!
  • Almond milk– If you are looking for a low-calorie option that isn’t water, almond milk is for you!
  • Pea milk– This is a bit newer option available on the market. Most versions I’ve seen have just about the same amount of protein as milk and soy. The thing is, it can be a bit more difficult to find and is usually pretty expensive.
  • Oat milk-Lately, oat milk has had some great love. It is a plant-based option that adds a touch of creamy-ness to the drink.

3. Juices: The Flavorful Option

This is where you can get creative! Of course there’s the classic smoothie with orange juice, yogurt, and ice to make an orange creamsicle-esque flavor but there’s also other ways to utilize juice!

  • Orange juice- I LOVE adding orange juice to smoothies because I have it on hand and it dramatically changes the flavor of the smoothie.
  • Apple juice- This would be a great addition to an apple and banana smoothie!
  • Cranberry juice- By using cranberry juice you can greatly alter the smoothie flavor. Be sure you enjoy cranberry juice before adding it to your smoothie!
  • Grape juice- Just like cranberry juice, grape juice is extremely flavorful. Add this to a smoothie when you want the grape flavor to shine through.
clear glass pitcher with cola and ice on wooden chopping board

4. Iced Coffee: The Caffeinated Option

Adding iced coffee may seem strange but let me entice you. Consider skipping your morning coffee in exchange for a caffeinated smoothie!

You can add iced coffee, banana, chocolate or peanut butter (or both!), and a touch of yogurt to make a scrumptious smoothie that includes the beloved iced coffee.

5. Kefir: The Gut-Health Option

If you’ve never tried Kefir you NEED to! Kefir is a fermented drink made of milk. I like to think of it as a drinkable yogurt but a bit more tangy.

It may sound a bit strange but it’s becoming more and more normal. You can find it right near the yogurt in your local grocery store!

coconut water as liquids for smoothies

6. Coconut Water: The Hydration Option

If it’s a hot day, coconut water would be an awesome liquid choice for your smoothie. Beyond having a coconut flavor, it is also packed with electrolytes! This means, it can be more hydrating than regular old water.

7. Lemonade and Flavored Waters: The Sweet Option

Have you ever considered using lemonade or flavored water in a smoothie before?

Now, you don’t want to add too much lemonade because the sugar can add up quickly but having a stash will really amplify the citrus flavor!

You can also utilize flavored waters. By this I mean creating a flavored water by combining a non-nutritive powdered or liquid flavoring to water then adding it to the blender!

You can make a fruit punch smoothie by using a fruit punch flavored water and all the fruit you want!

lemon iced tea with lemon fruits

8. Iced Tea: The Unexpected Option

Have you ever considered putting iced tea in your smoothie!? When using iced tea, I tend to lean towards green smoothies. I personally believe it compliments the taste of green smoothies the best.

You can blend together spinach, ice, yogurt, banana, and iced green tea for a light and refreshing option.

How to Choose the Proper Blender

If you are just starting out on your smoothie making journey, you’ll need to start with a blender! Depending on what you plan to make, at what volume, and how often will affect which blender you should grab.

If you plan to only make single servings of smoothies at a time you can purchase a small, single cup one!

If you want to blend frozen fruit, you may need a more high powered blender. Check out this article where I compare a few different blenders: The Best Blender for Frozen Fruit Smoothies.

If you plan to use it everyday, you’ll want a higher quality one to ensure it lasts!

liquids for smoothies with sliced fruit

A Word From a Registered Dietitian

Smoothies are a great way to get a ton of nutrition in an easily drinkable beverage! You can even add in some foods you may not typically consume because the powerful flavors in your smoothie can cover their taste. Think: spinach.

In addition to being a nutritious drink, it can also be pumped up to become suitable for a breakfast substitute. If you are someone who can’t brig themselves to eat early in the morning a smoothie may be a great option for you. Having some fuel in your body is better than none!

Try These Smoothie Recipes

Now that you’ve got a TON of liquids for smoothies ideas, it’s time to make your own smoothie. Play around with your own or check out one of my recipes-

Tag me on Instagram when you make your smoothie.

The Best Liquids for Smoothies Key Takeaways

  • Try using water, milk, juices, iced coffee, Kefir, coconut water, lemonade (and flavored waters), and iced tea as liquids for smoothies!
  • You should select your blender based on what you plan on blending, how much, and how often.
  • Consider a smoothie if you aren’t wanting to eat, but know you probably should.
  • Try your hand at making a smoothie with a unique liquid!

If there are any other liquids you enjoy in your smoothies, let me know in the comments down below!

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37 Best Boat Snacks Sat, 25 May 2024 19:00:00 +0000 Warm weather is right around the corner and that means boating season! It's time for sunny skies, fun boat trips, and most importantly the best boat snacks!

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Warm weather is right around the corner and that means boating season! It’s time for sunny skies, fun boat trips, and most importantly the best boat snacks!

Woman drinking on boat

Shelf Stable vs. Refrigerated Snacks

Depending on the length of your boat trip and space you may want to opt for snacks that don’t need to remain cooled. Or, if you prefer a chilled snack to refresh in the heat, use an electric or classic cooler!

The list of best boat snacks is mostly shelf-stable options but there are also ones that may need to be kept in a cooler. Keep this in mind when deciding what is best for your specific boat trip!

37 of the Best Boat Snacks

Honestly, the best boat snacks are going to vary from group to group and even trip to trip. Sometimes fruit is exactly what you need when other times it’s Twizzlers and Buffalo Dip! Continuously use this ist to decide what to bring for this boating trip.

1. Popcorn

This doesn’t have to be boring! You can make popcorn on the stovetop, microwave, or buy packaged popcorn. You can even try out new popcorn seasonings to make this snack special.

2. Carrots with Hummus

Veggies are often overlooked when packing your boat snacks. When you’re on the lake you want to make this time special with a special snack. But, once you get out there, get hot, and need a refreshing and wholesome snack carrots and hummus may be exactly the combo you need!

best boat snacks caramel apple bites

3. Caramel Apple Pretzel Bites

These are a delicious combination of sweet and salty. Make these ahead of time and you’ve got an easy, poppable treat!

4. Fresh Fruit

Fresh fruit is easy! It is both refreshing and easy to pack. Most fruits don’t even need to be chopped up beforehand. Simply grab some apples and oranges! It has been said that bringing bananas on a boat is bad luck so if you believe in superstition this may be one to avoid!

5. Combo’s

This is a boating staple! They are easy, flavorful, and satisfying.

6. Basic Charcuterie

You don’t need to go all out on an incredible charcuterie. A Tupperware with cheese, meat, and crackers is sure to please a crowd!

7. Pretzels

Now, pretzels may seem basic but SO many varieties are available now! The classic pretzel rods seem to be the go-to for boat days but you could also reach for Dot’s or Pop Daddy’s flavored pretzel varieties.

8. Candy

Candy isn’t really a snack but have you ever been on a boat and not had a Twizzler? It seems like they go hand in hand!

berry protein smoothie

9. Basic Berry Protein Smoothie

Fill a spare insulated cup with a protein smoothie and it’ll keep it frosty and cold while you’re soaking in the rays. Sometimes, the best boat snacks are the ones you drink.

10. Hawian Roll Sandwiches

Hawian rolls are delicious on their own but slap on a couple of slices of ham and cheese and you’ve got a mini sandwich!

11. Chips

For some reason, Sun Chips and Pringles seem like the best option but there are endless options. You can also grab a bag of Ruffles, Lay’s, or Cape Cod chips to please all taste buds.

12. Peanut Butter Pretzels

A tub of peanut butter-filled pretzel nuggets can be found at most grocery stores, wholesalers, and gas stations! They are a satisfying sweet and salty snack.

best boat snacks white chocolate strawberry muffins

13. Incredible White Chocolate and Strawberry Muffins

No boring muffins here! The combination of white chocolate chips and strawberries makes for the perfect summer muffin.

14. Apple Sauce Pouch

Pouches aren’t just for kids! They are an easy and convenient way to get in some fruit without worrying about it being smashed!

15. Guacamole

Nothing is better than tortilla chips with freshly made guacamole. Dips make the perfect sharing snack!

16. Dried Fruit

Dried fruit may not make it on everyone’s best boat snacks list but it makes it on mine! If raisins and dates aren’t for you be sure to try dried mango and pineapple. They are delicious!

17. Granola/Protein Bars

These are energy-dense and easy to throw in a bag. Be cautious if it is hot out. Chocolate or peanut butter flavors may melt. You may want to store these in a cooler!

18. Meat Sticks

I don’t really mean Slim Jims, but if that’s what you like, you do you! Try a thick slice of jerky or a meat stick with fewer additives like Chomps!

buffalo chicken dip

19. Healthy Buffalo Chicken Dip with Greek Yogurt

It can be difficult to have a meal on a boat but sometimes you need a bit more filling snack. Buffalo Chicken Dip is always a hit!

20. Pudding Cups

A childhood classic! Avoid chocolate in case of a spill but having a vanilla pudding snack pack is easy and delicious!

21. Salsa

Sure, chips and salsa are a classic but have you explored the salsa aisle lately? The next time you’re on the hunt for a fresh container meander all the fun flavors!

mini monster energy balls

22. Mini Monster Energy Bites

Make these ahead of time! You can store them in a container or baggie and pass them around the boat. With them being mini, they are incredibly easy to munch on!

23. Cheese Ball

A cheeseball may seem like a difficult and strange snack to bring on a boat. It kind of is. But, if you have a cheese knife with you to spread the cheese on the crackers you’re good as gold!

If you have a cheese ball people will eat the cheese ball.

24. Fruit Snacks

If you pull out a pack of Scooby-Doo fruit snacks, you will surely be the most favorite person on the boat!

best boat snacks of ham pinwheels

25. Simple Ham Pinwheels

These go quickly! They are a simple combination of thick ham, cream cheese, and green onion all rolled up and cut into bite-sized pieces. These will need to remain chilled, but don’t worry, once everyone knows they’re on board they’ll be gone soon!

26. Veggie Tray

Pick up a pre-made tray at your local grocery store or put in some time in the kitchen and chop up your favorite veggies. Don’t forget the dip!

27. Cheese Sticks

You may need a cooler if you aren’t enjoying these soon after taking them from the fridge. Cheese sticks are not only delicious but also a great way to get in a bit of protein!

28. Fruit Cups

Either make your own or purchase the fruit cups in 100% fruit cups! You can even enjoy them without utensils!

29. Trail Mix

If it is hot out you may want to avoid a trail mix with chocolate or store this in a cooler. Otherwise, you may literally end up with a mess on your hands!

dates stuffed with cream cheese and pistachio

30. Stuffed Dates with Cream Cheese and Pistachios

Stuffed dates are a joyful surprise! The sweet caramel-like date paired with the savory cream cheese and crunchy crushed pistachio gives the ultimate 2-bite treat.

31. Flavored Almonds

Almond brands have stepped up their name. You can get nearly any flavor of almond nowadays! These are a nutritious, heat-safe snack!

32. Fruit or Veggie Pizza

Surprisingly, these go over every well! Cut up your fruit or veggie pizza into bite-sized pieces and pass them around. Not only are you having one of the best boat snacks everyone is upping their fruit and veggie intake- win-win!

33. Walking Taco

This takes some preparation before heading out but it is such a fun and clean filling snack. Cook up some taco meat, add it to a snack-sized bag of Doritos, Fritos, or tortilla chips then add in your favorite toppings. Once you’re on the boat pass them out for all to enjoy their own bag.

Don’t forget the forks!

34. Spinach Dip

Spinach dip is delicious warm and cold, but if you must have it warm use a portable Crock-Pot! Some boats have ‘regular’ plugs and some do not. If you’re unsure, Amazon have this neat electric Crock-Pot! Imagine showing up with this. Show stopping.

35. Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches

Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are a classic! You can make your own or purchase the premade Smucker’s ones! You can even make a variety of options by using different peanut butter flavors, jam, and jellies, or using some Nutella!

pasta salad with italian dressing

36. Pasta Salad with Italian Dressing

Pasta salad is refreshing on a hot day, but there is a bit of additional items you’ll need to fully enjoy it. Be sure to pack bowls, forks, and a serving spoon!

37. Frozen Treats

A best boat snacks list isn’t complete without ice cream! Grab your best cooler, stuff it with as much ice as you can, and pack your favorite frozen treats. These could be Italian ice cups, ice cream sandwiches, popsicles, ice cream cookies, etc!

What to NOT Bring on a Boat

There are tons of food you can bring on a boat but there are a few that should avoid the water. The interior of a boat can be stained, which is quite a feat to clean or replace.

When going on your own or a friends boat, avoid bringing red wine, ‘processed orange’ foods (think Cheeto’s), mustard, or anything too greasy.

Also, try not to bring anything that requires a lot of ‘putting together’. These seem like a tasty idea at first but then when you go about whipping them up it is a bit more difficult. There’s not enough table space, things are falling, just an all-around hassle!

37 Best Boat Snacks Takeaways

  • Opt for easy foods that don’t require utensils.
  • Sometimes, the classics are the best option!
  • Some of the best snacks may require some prepping.
  • There are a few foods to avoid bringing onto a boat.

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37 best boat snacks

Craving More?

Every occasion requires different snacks. Here are some other snack lists I’ve come up with!:

If you have any other ideas be sure to let me know via comment, email (hello at the michigand dietitian dot come), or an Instagram dm!

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37 High Protein Low Fat Snacks: Elevate Your Nutrition Sat, 11 May 2024 19:00:00 +0000 Elevate your snacking game with this curated collection of 37 High Protein Low Fat Snacks. Indulge in delicious recipes and smart ideas to fuel your fitness journey.

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Elevate your snacking game with this curated collection of 37 High Protein Low Fat Snacks. Indulge in delicious recipes and smart ideas to fuel your fitness journey.

What Makes a Food High Protein and Low Fat?

Technically, having 5% or less of a specific nutrient in a food, per serving, would qualify it as being ‘low’.

Because that is very extreme, these options may not be specifically less than 5% of the daily value of fat, but they will be generally low.

Having at least 20% or more of a specific nutrient in a food, per serving, would qualify it as being ‘high’.

Unfortunately, there is no percent daily value for protein. For the case of this list we will use 10g of protein as our ‘high’ protein standard.

Why Choose High Protein Low Fat Snacks?

Every person has different nutrition goals. This way of eating may not be for everyone, but it may be for some.

Some are looking up up their protein intake while, on the other hand, certain medical conditions may limit the amount of fat someone should intake.

37 High Protein, Low Fat Snack Ideas

Finding a snack with the proper portion of protein and fat can be difficult to find. Especially one that is delicious! I like these ones, and I hope you do too!

  1. A cup of cottage cheese with fruit
  2. 1/2 cup edamame (try it salted!)
  3. Loaded Egg Bites
  4. 3/4 cup non-fat Greek yogurt with berries and nuts
  5. 1 pouch chunk light tuna with veggies
  6. Basic Berry Protein Smoothie
  7. 1oz turkey jerky
  8. A cup of low-fat chocolate milk
  9. 100g of egg whites with fruit
  10. Chickpea salad: 1 cup of chickpeas with chopped cucumbers and cherry tomatoes
  11. ~4/5 slices of deli turkey with a few crackers
  12. Creamy Lemonade Protein Smoothie
  13. 1 low-fat string cheese, 2 tablespoons hummus, and cucumbers
  14. 1/4 package tofu (~79g) with stir fry veggies
  15. Greek Yogurt Bark for 4th of July
  16. Mixed bean salad: 1/2 cup black beans, 1/4 cup pinto beans, corn, and spices!
  17. Spicy tofu jerky
  18. 3 tablespoons PB2 on a slice of toast
  19. Black bean hummus with veggie sticks
  20. 2oz of shrimp with crackers
  21. A small cup of chicken noodle soup
  22. Baked lentil chips
  23. 2 egg white wraps with your choice of low-fat fillings!
  24. Tuna stuffed mini peppers with chipotle seasoning
  25. Air fried tofu bites
  26. Hard boiled eggs with sliced fruit
  27. Sliced apples dipped in Greek yogurt mixed with protein powder
  28. Mango salsa: mix cubed mango, tomatoes, black beans, cilantro, and lime juice. Pair with chips or pita
  29. Chia pudding: combine chia seeds and milk. Allow to refrigerate for 4 hours. Pair with berries.
  30. Deli turkey with granny smith apple slices
  31. Seaweed snacks paired with salted edamame
  32. Cottage cheese stuffed dates
  33. Protein waffles with berries
  34. Frozen greek yogurt popsicles with fruit
  35. Pre-cooked chicken bites with veggies
  36. Protein smoothie: low-fat Greek yogurt, low-fat milk, banana, and blueberries
  37. Canned chicken with crackers

If you have any other go-to high protein low fat snacks be sure to send it my way so I can try it out, too!

A Word From A Registered Dietitian

Protein is an important macronutrient in so many ways!- muscle repair, source of energy, support of immune system, maintaining cell structure, and the list goes on! Obviously, protein is important!

Dietary fat gets a bad reputation. Fat DOES NOT make you fat. Fat is important in nutrient absorption, energy source, nerve and organ protection, and this list for the importance of fat goes on as well! The only aspect that makes people believe ‘fat makes you fat’ is because it is more calorically-dense than other macronutrients.

Craving More?

If you are looking for some other delicious recipes, check these out:

Be sure to keep connected on Instagram!

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  1. The Lows and Highs of Percent Daily Value on the Nutrition Facts Label


This is not medical advice. Always speak with your trusted healthcare provider prior to any major changes.

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23 Body Neutrality Affirmations From A Registered Dietitian Sat, 27 Apr 2024 19:00:00 +0000 Revolutionize your self-image with 23 empowering body neutrality affirmations from a registered dietitian. Foster a mindset of acceptance and redefine your relationship with your body. Begin your journey to a more balanced and neutral perspective.

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Revolutionize your self-image with 23 empowering body neutrality affirmations from a registered dietitian. Foster a mindset of acceptance and redefine your relationship with your body. Begin your journey to a more balanced and neutral perspective.

black person lying on leg of partner

What is Body Neutrality?

Body neutrality is the idea of taking a neutral stance on your physical body. This means removing any hatred or comparing that most people take part in. Instead, it is the active practice of respecting your body as a vessel to live.

Because of western beauty standards, many try to transform their bodies into being as small as possible. Instead of subscribing to this goal, the body neutrality mindset comes in to be a reminder that a smaller body is not superior.

Why You Should Lean into Body Neutrality

Body neutrality can be for anyone. But, that doesn’t mean everyone should practice it.

Those who tend to struggle with body acceptance would benefit the most from this practice. It would allow them to lean away from the negative self-talk and towards a more useful self-talk.

How to Use Body Neutrality Affirmations

Affirmations can be used in any way you see them beneficial.

Some will recite them in the morning, before beginning their day. Some will have them written on a sticky note place on a mirror. This could be internally, or out loud.

No matter how you choose to use these affirmations be sure to repeat them regularly. Speaking them once won’t make a long-term impact. By repeating them often you can keep your words top of mind.

person showcasing body neutrality affirmations

Body Neutrality Affirmations

Every body is different, and that’s what makes YOU special.

My body allows me to do so many things.

The most important opinion of my body is my own.

My body is just right for me.

There is so much more to me beyond my physical body.

My body deserves all respect.

I take care of my body in whatever way feels right.

I accept my body for how it is in my current state.

My worth is not equated with the size of my body.

I love my body for all it allows me to do.

My body is incredible.

I honor my body’s individual needs, even if they vary day to day.

My body is with me every day.

My thoughts aren’t always true. My body is great the way it is.

My body’s capabilities deserve to be celebrated.

My curves are exactly where they should be.

My life can be anything I want it to be regardless of the state of my body.

I can completely love my body no matter any imperfections.

There is no room for shame in my relationship with my own body.

My body requires food every. single. day.

I embrace my body.

Comparison is pointless. Each body is different in their own ways. None superior than another.

I release any negative thoughts about my body.

If any of these affirmations stick with you be sure to leave it in the comments below. If there are any others that you love, leave them below for others to see!

person face in close up photo

A Word From A Registered Dietitian

A body neutral mindset can be an incredible technique for those who cannot seem to overcome the perpetual negative self-talk and body image.

With this, you will be able to be more free in their lives. You can enjoy shopping without being hard on yourself for not being your ‘ideal’ size. You can go to the beach without comparing yourself to other bodies. You can live.

Those who see their bodies in a positive way may not want or need to adapt this mindset, although they can make that choice on their own!

If you’d like to be in a positive and diet-culture free social media space, follow along on Instagram!

Key Takeaways

  • Body neutrality is the intentional action of taking a neutral mindset of your body.
  • This is a great technique to lean into if you feel crushed by relentless negative self-talk and body image.
  • Body neutrality affirmations are a way to keep your intentions at top of mind.
  • If you are needing any assistance with body image make an appointment with me to work on this further!
23 body neutrality affirmations pinterest


Body neutrality affirmations are not intended to be medical advise. Always be sure to speak with your healthcare provider.

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How to Ditch Dieting for Good! Sat, 13 Apr 2024 19:00:00 +0000 Say goodbye to diets, hello to lasting wellness! Ditch dieting for a balanced and joyful approach to a healthier you.

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Say goodbye to diets, hello to lasting wellness! Ditch dieting for a balanced and joyful approach to a healthier you. Here are nine actionable steps you can take towards moving away from the yo-yo diet pendulum.

a measuring tape on a woman to ditch dieting

What is Dieting?

MANY people throughout the world have a deep, personal connection with dieting and don’t need a definition to understand it. If you are the lucky minority that do not know what dieting is, it is technically a certain way of eating but in reality it’s usually a way of eating with the purpose of losing weight.

Why You Should Ditch Dieting

Dieting ends up being a cycle of working towards weight loss, a state of being in a lower weight, eventually returning to the previous weight, increase past your original weight, then deciding to try a new diet.

This yo-yo dieting cycle is exhausting and endless!

Dieting can steal your life by always attempting to achieve the unachievable. Leave this lifestyle in the dust by finding food freedom.

Health At Every Size (HAES)

Health at Every Size (HAES) is a movement for advocating for the spread of knowledge that health can be had in any size body.

A thin person can be unhealthy. A fat person can be unhealthy.

A thin person can be healthy. A fat person can be healthy.

The physical size of a person does not automatically determine their level of health.

Health can be defined by someone’s capabilities, improvements, and blood work but the physical size of a body is a bit redundant.

woman in green tank top sitting on green table trying to ditch dieting

How To Ditch Dieting

There’s no one-size-fits all path to ditch dieting. We’re all different with different experiences, cultures, situations, goals, and behaviors. I have a few actions you can take to take you to the next step down the path of never dieting again!

1. Change what you listen to

You have the autonomy to turn on what plays through your speakers. Surround yourself with positivity and education on topics you’re curious about, not podcasts and videos that pedestal diet culture.

2. Redefine your ‘food rules’:

You may be unaware of the food rules you have set up for yourself without even noticing because you’ve become so ingrained in them.

Do you have a cutoff time of when you can eat at night? Is there a certain food you avoid? Do you follow a fad diet (intermittent fasting, keto, low carb, etc.)?

Instead of these ‘rules‘ be open to having anything in moderation. These restrictive mindsets result in a feeling of deprivation and likely eventually consuming a bit more than you’d like to compensate.

3. What is healthy to you?

Health is not a size. Re-hardwire your brain to understand that thinness is not the solution. It is not the goal. HEALTH is the goal.

Now that we’ve got this covered ask yourself, what is healthy to you?

Some determine their health by bloodwork, blood sugars, fitness abilities, etc.

black woman on social media

4. Have a social media cleanse

Many social media accounts are toxic. Many are not.

It is worth the time and effort to curate a feed based on what you need in this phase of life. If there is a certain influencer you know is detrimental to you in some way, it is okay to unfollow them. You can always follow them once you are in a better state.

I share body positive, encouraging messages and recipes on my Instagram if you are in need of new, safe accounts to surround yourself with.

5. Educate yourself

It’s completely fine to not fully understand or accept the true workings of diets. Take the time to read a bit deeper into how they work..well.. how they don’t work.

Once you have the realization of their workings you may immediately ditch dieting for good!

6. Make your boundaries clear (to yourself and loved ones!)

Making your boundaries clear to yourself allows you to set clear boundaries for others as well.

Maybe you don’t want to speak about a recent weight loss. First, you have to know this is a boundary you have. Then, when a loved one (or stranger) comes close to this boundary make it clear to them that this is not a conversation you currently want to have.

If they make the explicit choice to continue the topic, walk away. They are making you uncomfortable by crossing your boundary after you informed them of it!

black teenager cleaning closet to ditch dieting

7. Have a closet clean out

If you are on the diet pendulum swing where you are up in weight you may experience your clothing not fitting or fitting differently than previously.

Get rid of the clothes that don’t fit or make you feel uncomfortable. Clothes are to fit you. There is no world where you should be attempting to change your body to fit into a pair of pants.

8. Toss the scale

Knowing your weight isn’t as beneficial or useful as you may expect. Obtaining your weight at doctor check-up is enough. Honestly, you don’t even need to hear them record it nor even allow them to record it!

There are many other more valuable measures of health than your weight. Your healthcare provider should be able to accommodate this boundary. If not, this is a chance to educate them on its lack of importance.

9. Speak to a Registered Dietitian

You can ditch dieting on your own but if it is too difficult or feel unescapable, seek some assistance from a registered dietitian.

If you believe you need some help escaping the grasp of the diet pendulum, let’s set up a free nutrition consultation to see what your next steps should be.

woman in gray tank top eating pizza

Food Freedom

Food freedom is a way of eating that came about from our intense diet culture. In the most basic form food freedom is just ‘regular’ old eating.

There really is no specific food freedom definition. I consider it to be a space where you have a good relationship with food, the ability to balance what you crave, need, and have access to, eat at appropriate times for you, stop eating when satisfied, and are carefree about eating for comfort.

How To Ditch Dieting Takeaways

  • Dieting is an exhausting (and disappointing!) cycle of weight gain, loss, and regain.
  • There are many different steps you can take to help you ditch dieting for good!
  • Food freedom is an invigorating space to live in. You are able to be flexible with your food yet accepting with your body.
  • Reach out for help if you feel stuck in the yo-yo diet cycle. We can figure out what your net steps should be!

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Always speak to your trusted healthcare provider before making any large changes related to your health.

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