Revolutionize your self-image with 23 empowering body neutrality affirmations from a registered dietitian. Foster a mindset of acceptance and redefine your relationship with your body. Begin your journey to a more balanced and neutral perspective.

What is Body Neutrality?
Body neutrality is the idea of taking a neutral stance on your physical body. This means removing any hatred or comparing that most people take part in. Instead, it is the active practice of respecting your body as a vessel to live.
Because of western beauty standards, many try to transform their bodies into being as small as possible. Instead of subscribing to this goal, the body neutrality mindset comes in to be a reminder that a smaller body is not superior.
Why You Should Lean into Body Neutrality
Body neutrality can be for anyone. But, that doesn’t mean everyone should practice it.
Those who tend to struggle with body acceptance would benefit the most from this practice. It would allow them to lean away from the negative self-talk and towards a more useful self-talk.
How to Use Body Neutrality Affirmations
Affirmations can be used in any way you see them beneficial.
Some will recite them in the morning, before beginning their day. Some will have them written on a sticky note place on a mirror. This could be internally, or out loud.
No matter how you choose to use these affirmations be sure to repeat them regularly. Speaking them once won’t make a long-term impact. By repeating them often you can keep your words top of mind.

Body Neutrality Affirmations
Every body is different, and that’s what makes YOU special.
My body allows me to do so many things.
The most important opinion of my body is my own.
My body is just right for me.
There is so much more to me beyond my physical body.
My body deserves all respect.
I take care of my body in whatever way feels right.
I accept my body for how it is in my current state.
My worth is not equated with the size of my body.
I love my body for all it allows me to do.
My body is incredible.
I honor my body’s individual needs, even if they vary day to day.
My body is with me every day.
My thoughts aren’t always true. My body is great the way it is.
My body’s capabilities deserve to be celebrated.
My curves are exactly where they should be.
My life can be anything I want it to be regardless of the state of my body.
I can completely love my body no matter any imperfections.
There is no room for shame in my relationship with my own body.
My body requires food every. single. day.
I embrace my body.
Comparison is pointless. Each body is different in their own ways. None superior than another.
I release any negative thoughts about my body.
If any of these affirmations stick with you be sure to leave it in the comments below. If there are any others that you love, leave them below for others to see!

A Word From A Registered Dietitian
A body neutral mindset can be an incredible technique for those who cannot seem to overcome the perpetual negative self-talk and body image.
With this, you will be able to be more free in their lives. You can enjoy shopping without being hard on yourself for not being your ‘ideal’ size. You can go to the beach without comparing yourself to other bodies. You can live.
Those who see their bodies in a positive way may not want or need to adapt this mindset, although they can make that choice on their own!
If you’d like to be in a positive and diet-culture free social media space, follow along on Instagram!
Key Takeaways
- Body neutrality is the intentional action of taking a neutral mindset of your body.
- This is a great technique to lean into if you feel crushed by relentless negative self-talk and body image.
- Body neutrality affirmations are a way to keep your intentions at top of mind.
- If you are needing any assistance with body image make an appointment with me to work on this further!

Body neutrality affirmations are not intended to be medical advise. Always be sure to speak with your healthcare provider.
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